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Ready! You are confirmed in our AULON "THE JOURNEY OF THE CRAZY" on August 23, 2022 of the Course

"Tarot for Synesthesia"+special surprises,

by Leonardo Miranda.

Now sign up for our WhatsApp group to receive all the information you need to participate and answer your questions.

Quem somos

Who am I?


Leonardo Miranda is an artist, tarot reader, designer and multi-instrumentalist,  and has been working with Tarot for over 15 years, having clients and students in over 9 countries with his team and channel THE TAROT FOR ALL .


Born in RJ in 1976, he lives and works in multiple artistic activities in Rio de Janeiro. Creator of the Symbolic Tarot of the Arts and of the Tarot Method for Synesthesia.
Graduated as a photographer at UNESA, Music at the Villa-Lobos Music School and Theater at CAL (Casa de Artes Laranjeiras), he studied Visual Programming at UFRJ (for 3 years). All courses in RJ.
He has performed in more than 40 theatrical shows in Brazil and abroad.




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